Statement on COVID-19

We are facing an unprecedented health emergency. Tests done so far, clinical observations, and epidemiological data, all indicate COVID-19 does not replicates in dogs or cats. Our pets do not become carriers of the disease. Dogs and cats are not affected, neither are they capable of transmitting the virus to humans. During the next weeks in quarainaine we plan to continue to care for our patients. Veterinary practices are considered essential services. Various bio-safety precautions are now in place for cases requiring a Home Visit. Most cases can be resolved using telemedicine consults. 

  • There has been some updates to this document. Please use the link below for reference and easy access.

Tele-Medicine Consults

To avoid further transmission of the virus we are implementing strict bio-safety precautions during our Home Visits. To avoid bringing any virus particles into your home, we will follow these protocols:

  • There has been some updates to this document. Please use the link below for reference and easy access.

New Biosecurity Protocol